About Us

About us

Our company aims to reduce air pollution, save heat and electricity, and further improve the efficiency of renewable energy by increasing the use of renewable energy or green energy in Mongolia, by introducing low and medium capacity renewable energy systems to households and organizations and is an experienced professional organization that has been operating continuously since 2013 for the purpose of public awareness.

We provide green renewable energy sources such as geothermal heating, solar heating, hot water, energy efficient solar street lighting, main and auxiliary equipment for individual and combined solar and wind power systems. Provides services such as trade, installation, installation, automation, maintenance, renewable energy basic research, energy conservation consulting services and renewable energy training and contribute to the achievement of the goals and objectives of sustainable development, including the introduction of renewable energy sources.


Increased use of green energy will create a real opportunity to raise public awareness, attitudes and behavior


Build a professional team with experience in developing and distributing optimal renewable energy technology solutions based on research and development that are suitable for Mongolia's conditions and customer satisfaction, and develop energy efficiency.

What we do

Calculation, selection, assembly, installation and maintenance of solar power supply systems

Calculation, selection, assembly, installation and maintenance of solar water pump

Installation and services of solar and energy efficient street lighting

Calculation, research, assembly, installation and maintenance to solve the heating of small and medium-sized buildings using geothermal energy

Wind energy calculation, research, installation and maintenance of low and medium power generators

Calculation, selection, assembly, installation and maintenance of electric and thermal power systems combined with renewable energy sources

Renewable Energy Baseline Study

Calculating the efficiency of heat and electricity use

Design and execute projects with engineering solutions suitable for renewable energy projects and programs, supervise projects and submit proposals

Research-based understanding of the importance of renewable energy sources, their use, operation and maintenance, as well as organize trainings and seminars.

Trade, installation and service

We provide calculation, selection, assembly, installation and maintenance of low and medium power systems suitable for home and office use.

  • Solar heating and hot water systems
  • Solar power supply system
  • Solar power plant with low and medium power pump
  • Solar and energy efficient street lighting
  • Geothermal heating system
  • Wind energy power supply system
  • Energy systems combined with renewable energy sources

Research, development and consulting services

We have been conducting research and development work since 2015 in order to develop the best renewable energy solutions that are suitable for Mongolian conditions, consumer behavior and purchasing power.

  • Renewable Energy Baseline Study
  • Design and execute projects with engineering solutions suitable for renewable energy projects and programs, supervise projects and submit proposals
  • Research and advice on calculating the efficiency of heat and electricity use

Training and seminar

We provide research-based understanding of the importance of renewable energy sources, their use, operation and maintenance, as well as organize trainings and seminars.

    • April 1-2, 2017 - Possibility to use renewable energy for household needs
    • April 27, 2018 - Use of Small, Medium‐Sized renewable energy system
    • September 27, 2018 - Use of renewable energy Small, Medium‐Sized systems
    • November 12, 2018 - Optimal selection and consideration of equipment for Small, Medium‐Sized renewable energy systems
    • May 19, 2019 - Opportunity and experience to use of Small, Medium‐Sized renewable energy systems for organizational and household needs
    • August 28, 2020 - Renewable energy technology and rational investment
    • September 25, 2020 - Renewable energy and winter preparations
    • October 20, 2021- Renewable energy and heat loss


Ministry of Energy

TZ.1.1 - 0.01 - Installation and maintenance of 5 MW power source and its testing and adjustment services

TZ-2.1 - 0.4-15 KV power transmission line, substation installation and maintenance work, its testing and adjustment, related works and services

The Ministry of construction and urban development

BA-3.3 - Installation of main water supply and magisterial lines and its equipment

BA-3.4 - Installation of main heating network and its equipment

BA-3.5 - Installation of power transmission lines, substations and their equipment

BA-6.2 - Installation of indoor heating and ventilation networks, their equipment and outdoor branch networks

BA-6.3 - Installation of lighting and power supply inside the building, their equipment, installation of branch network outside the building

BA-6.4 - Installation of communication inside the building, internet network, fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems, their equipment, installation of branch network outside the building